...RED ALERT !!!...
...RED ALERT !!!...

C'est vous le prof !

( Corrigez ces quelques petites erreurs classiques de vos élèves... )

Classique des classiques :
le "Franglais "

Un élève emploie des mots français à la place de mots anglais. A vous de corriger...




1.Jimmy enjoyed his voyage very much.

2. She had a good repose.

3.The trip dured 4 hours and a half.

4. I usually sleep during the journey and go out at night.

5. Did you pass a good holiday in London last month ?

6. Ron has 25 years old.


Come here and see the solutions !
Quelques problèmes avec les pronoms et les adjectifs possessifs...

Jack and Jill had a fight. Jack hit her sister and she hit he back. He seized his hair and pulled them very hard. Jill managed to free her and kicked his brother. They shouted insults at themselves until finally its mother heard they and came running. As a punishment, she made his daughter do the washing-up and forbade his son to watch TV for a week.

Come here and see the solutions !
Pourriez vous aider cet élève à mieux maîtriser les verbes irréguliers ? Jack and Jill gone up the hill. They bought a picnic with them. Jack felt down and braked the bottle of coke in his basket, so they drunk water instead. He fell sorry about that but he soon forgotten. Then it began to rain and a heavy cloud hanged over the hill. They was lost and it took them 2 hours to find their way home. Come here and see the solutions !
Cet élève a vraiment du mal avec les prépositions, il en met là oû il n'y en a pas, se trompe, ou les oublie...
( il y a 10 erreurs à corriger ! )
In 20th July, Jack and Jill went in Manchester. They arrived to the station early and entered in a café for have a drink. On the end, they had to wait the Eurostar train which was 30 minutes in late. Half an hour later, they eventually got in the train. Jill listened to music and Jack looked by the window. Come here and see the solutions !













